Digital Controller – Shimaden SRS10A Series ( SRS11A, SRS13A, SRS14A)


  • Multi-input and multi-range performance
  • Small instrument depths (62mm – 65mm) save space, thus securing a larger installation area.
  • SV setting: 3 points
  • PID Value: 3 types
  • 2-output heating and cooling control available (optional)
  • Total 32 steps Program available (optional) (1-4 pattern, 32-8 step)
  • RS-485 Interface available (optional) (Master/slave function, Modbus/Shimaden Protocol)
  • Heater break/heater loop alarm (optional)
  • A wide selection of additional functions (optional) is available to suit various needs.
  • Possible to switch off SV/PV value by key operation
  • Parameter mask (non-display) / lock (key lock) function

A controller with a space-saving depth of 62 x 65 mm compared to existing products with a depth of 100 mm. 3-point SV setting; 3 types of PID value can be set. Control output of ON/OFF hysteresis mode is selectable. Heating/cooling 2-output control (optional) can be selected. 4-pattern, 8-step program (optional) can be selected. 3-point maximum event output (optional) can be selected. Analog output (optional) can be selected. 2-point CT input (optional) can be selected. 4-point external control input maximum (optional), can be selected. Communication function (optional), master and slave mode can be used.


Display methods
Digital display Measured value (PV)/7 segments red LED 4 digits, target set value (SV)/7 segments green LED 4 digits
SRS11A PV height of character: Approx. 12mm                             SV height of character: Approx. 9mm
SRS12A PV height of character: Approx. 15mm                            SV height of character: Approx. 12mm
SRS13A PV height of character: Approx. 20mm                           SV height of character: Approx. 13mm
SRS14A PV height of character: Approx. 12mm                           SV height of character: Approx. 9mm
Status display LED lamp display
Green: RUN, AT, MAN, OUT1, OUT2, COM
Orange: EV1, EV2, EV3
Display accuracy ±(0.25% FS+1 digit) Excluding cold junction temperature compensation accuracy of thermocouple input
Accuracy if set value is lower than -100 ºC with K, T, U thermocouples is ±0.7%FS.
Accuracy guarantee not applicable to 400 ºC and below of B thermocouple.
Display accuracy maintaining range 23 ºC± 5 ºc
Display resolution Depends on measuring range and scaling (0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1)
Measured value display range -10 – 110% of measuring range
(Range of Pt-200 – 600 ºC is -240 – 680 ºC, range of JPt-200 – 500 ºC is -240 – 570 ºC.)
Display updating cycle 0.25 seconds
Setting method By operating 5 keys (PARA, DOWN, UP, ENT, RUN/RST) on the front panel
Target value setting range Same as measuring range (within setting limiter)
Set value limiter Individual setting for higher and lower limits, any value is selectable within measuring range.
(Lower limit value<Higher limit value)
Key lock OFF, 1 – 3 (4 level)
OFF: No key lock
1: Only user setting screen group and communication mode can be changed.
2: Only SV and communication mode can be changed.
3: Only key lock can be changed.
Parameter mask/lock function Controls parameter displays/key locks
Target parameter STBY/EXE (RST/RUN) switching screen and all parameters except monitor screen (control for each screen group possible)
PID screen group Settings for each PID No. not possible (parameters are set by applying all PID Nos.)
PROG screen group Settings for each PTN No. not possible (parameters are set by applying all PROG Nos.)
STEP screen group Settings for each STEP No. not possible (parameters are set by applying all STEP Nos.)
Type of input Selectable from multiple (TC, Pt, mV) and voltage (V)
Thermocouple B, R, S, K, E, J , T, N, PLII, WRe5-26, {U, L (DIN43710)}, Metal-chromel (AuFe-Cr)
Input resistance 500 kΩ minimum
External resistance tolerance 100 Ω maximum
Burnout function Standard feature (up scale)
Cold junction compensation accuracy ±2 ºC (between 5 and 45 ºC of ambient temperature), ±3 ºC if mounted closely
R.T.D. Pt100/JPt100, 3-wire type
Amperage 0.25 mA
Lead wire tolerance resistance 5 Ω maximum/wire (3 lead wires should have the same resistance.)
Voltage mV -10 – 10, 0 – 10, 0 – 20, 0 – 50, 10 – 50, 0 – 100 mV DC
                  V -1 – 1, 0 – 1, 0 – 2, 0 – 5, 1 – 5, 0 – 10 V DC
Input resistance 500 kΩ minimum
Current input (0 – 20, 4 – 20 mA DC) is handled through external receiving impedance (250 Ω).
Input scaling function Scaling possible for voltage (mV, V) input
Scaling range -1999 – 9999 units
Span 10 – 10000 units
Position of decimal point None, 1, 2 and 3 digits on the right of decimal point
Sampling cycle 0.25 seconds
PV bias -1999 – 2000 units
PV filter 0 – 9999 seconds
PV gain -5.00 – +5.00%
Isolation Not insulated from input, system, DI, and CT input but insulated from others
Control mode
With 1 output Expert PID control with auto tuning function
With 2 outputs Expert PID control with auto tuning function PID (output 1) + PID (output 2)
Type of control/rating (common to output 1 and 2) Contact/1a 240 V AC 2A (resistive load) 1.2 A (inductive load)
SSR drive voltage/12 V±1.5 V DC (maximum load current 30mA)
Current/4 – 20 mA DC (maximum load resistance 600Ω)
Voltage/0 – 10 V DC (maximum load current 2mA)
Control output resolution Control output 1: approx. 0.008% (1/13000)
Control output 2: approx. 0.008% (1/13000)
Output accuracy Control output 1: ±1.0%FS (5 – 100% output)
Control output 2: ±2.0%FS (5 – 100% output)
Control output 1
Proportional band (P) OFF, 0.1 – 999.9%FS (ON/OFF action by OFF)
Integral time (I) OFF, 1 – 6000 seconds (P or PD action by OFF)
Derivative time (D) OFF, 1 – 3600 seconds (P or PI action by OFF)
Target value function OFF, 0.01 – 1.00
ON/OFF hysteresis 1 – 999 units (Effective when P=OFF)
Manual reset -50.0 – 50.0% (Effective when I=OFF)
Output limiter Lower limit 0.0 – 99.9%, higher limit 0.1 – 100.0% (Lower limit value < Higher limit value)
Proportional cycle 1 – 120 seconds (for contact and SSR drive voltage output)
Control output 2 (option)
Proportional band (P) OFF, 0.1 – 999.9%FS (ON/OFF action by OFF)
Integral time (I) OFF, 1 – 6000 seconds (P or PD action by OFF)
Derivative time (D) OFF, 1 – 3600 seconds (P or PI action by OFF)
Target value function OFF, 0.01 – 1.00
ON/OFF hysteresis 1 – 999 units (Effective when P=OFF)
Dead band -1999 – 5000 units
Output limiter Lower limit 0.0 – 99.9%, higher limit 0.1 – 100.0% (Lower limit value < Higher limit value)
Proportional cycle 1 – 120 seconds (for contact and SSR drive voltage output)
Manual control
Output setting range 0.0 – 100.0% setting resolution: 0.1%
Manual ↔ auto switching Balanceless bumpless (within proportional range)
Soft start Set individually for output 1 and output 2
OFF, 1 – 120 seconds
AT point SV value in execution
Control output characteristic RA (reverse action characteristic)/DA (direct action characteristic) switching by front key or communication
Set individually for output 1 and output 2
RA (reverse action characteristic): heating action
DA (direct action characteristic): cooling action
Isolation Contact output isolated from all
Analog output not insulated from SSR drive voltage, current and voltage output but insulated from others
(Control output 1 and 2 not insulated other than contact output)
Event output (option, 3 points maximum)
Number of output points 3 points maximum (EV1, EV2, EV3)
However, EV3 is exclusive selection from control output 2 and DI4.
Types Selectable from the following 20 types for EV1, EV2 and EV3:
no assignment, higher limit deviation alarm, lower limit deviation alarm, outside higher/lower limit
deviation alarm, inside higher/lower limit deviation alarm, higher limit absolute value alarm, lower
limit absolute value alarm, scaleover, EXE signal (RUN signal), output 1 inverted output (Contact
output only), heater 1 break/loop alarm, heater 2 break/loop alarm, step signal, pattern signal, program
end signal, hold signal, program signal, upslope signal, downslope signal, guarantee soak signal
Event setting range
Absolute values Within measuring range (both higher limit and lower limit)
Deviations -1999 – 2000 units (both higher limit and lower limit)
Higher/lower limit deviations 0 – 2000 units (within/outside)
Event action ON/OFF action
Hysteresis 1 – 999 units
Standby action Selectable from following 4 types
1 Without standby action
2 Standby 1 (when power is applied, STBY (RST)→EXE (RUN))
3 Standby 2 (when power is applied, STBY (RST)→EXE (RUN), execution SV is changed.)
4 Control mode (without standby action: no alarm is output at the time of abnormal input.)
Output type/rating Contact (EV1, EV2/ 1a x 2 points common EV3/ 1a independent)/ 240V AC 2A (resistive load)
Output updating cycle 0.25 seconds
Latching function Alarm action holding function (can be assigned for deviation alarm/absolute value alarm and heater break alarm)
ON (effective)/OFF (not effective) selection
Unlatched by key operation, DI or communication when latching
Output characteristic Selectable from NO and NC
Isolation Isolated from all
Programming function (option)
No. of pattern Maximum 4 patterns (can be set to 1, 2 and 4)
No. of step Maximum 8 steps (4 patterns), 16 (2 patterns), 32 (1 pattern)
Total number of steps = 32
No. of PID type Maximum 3
Time setting 0 minutes 0 seconds – 99 minutes 59 seconds/1 step or 0 hours 0 minutes – 99 hours 59 minutes/1 step
Setting resolution 1 minute or 1 second
Time accuracy ±(setting time x 0.005 + 0.25 seconds)
Setting parameter for each step SV, step time, PID No.
No. of pattern execution Maximum 9999
PV start ON/OFF
Hold Possible either by front panel key input, external control input or communication
Advance Possible either by front panel key input, external control input or communication
Power failure compensation None (setting contents are maintained and elapsed time, execution step and number of execution are reset.)
Guarantee soak zone OFF, 1 – 999 units
External control input (DI) (option)
Number of input points
SRS11A Maximum 4 points: Exclusive selection with 3 points CT input (DI1, DI2, DI3)
 Exclusive selection with 1 point (DI4), control output 2 and event output (EV3)
SRS12A, 13A, 14A Maximum 4 points: 3 points (DI1, DI2, DI3) no exclusive selection
 Exclusive selection with 1 point (DI4), control output 2 and event output (EV3)
Type of DI assignment Selectable from the following 14 types for each DI.
No assignment, EXE1 (RUN1) (control execution/suspension), EXE2 (RUN2) (control execution/ suspension), MAN (manual output), AT (auto tuning), ESV2 (SV external selection 2 bit), ACT1 (output 1 output characteristics), ACT2 (output 2 output characteristics), PROG (programming), HLD (hold), ADV (advance), PTN2 (start pattern selection 2 bit), PTN3, (start pattern selection 3 bit), L_RS (unlatching)
Action input Non-voltage contact or open collector (level action) Approx. 5V DC 1mA maximum
Input minimum holding time 0.25 seconds
Isolation Not insulated from DI input, system, and CT input but insulated from others
CT input (option) 2 points selectable when the type of control output (OUT1, OUT2) is contact or SSR
In case of SRS11A, exclusive selection with DI1, DI2 and DI3
Types of current detection target Assignable for OUT1 and OUT2
Current detection method By CT sensor (sold separately)
Current capacity 30A/50A
Current setting range OFF, 0.1 – 50.0 A (alarm action off when set to OFF)
Setting resolution 0.1A
Current display range 0.0 – 55.0A
Display accuracy ±2.0 A (for sine wave 50 Hz)
Alarm action Heater break detection when control output ON: Alarm output ON
Heater loop alarm detection when control output OFF: Alarm output ON
Alarm output Assignable for event output (EV1, 2, 3)
Minimum time for action confirmation ±0.25 seconds for both ON and OFF (each 0.5 second)
Alarm maintain mode Selectable from latching function ON (effective)/OFF (non-effective)
Standby action Selection of “OFF” or “ON” (1, 2, 3) (Standby when power applied only)
Sampling cycle 0.25 seconds
Isolation Not insulated from CT input, input, system and DI but insulated from others
Communication function (option) Exclusive selection with analog output for SRS11A
Type of communication EIA standard RS-485
Communication system 2-line half duplex start-stop synchronization system
Communication speed 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 bps
Data format Selectable from 7E1, 7E2, 7N1, 7N2, 8E1, 8E2, 8N1, 8N2
Communication delay time 1 – 100 (x 0.512 msec)
Max. number of connections 32 including host
Communication address 1 – 255
Communication code ASCII, MODBUS RTU binary code only
Communication protocol Shimaden standard protocol / MODBUS ASCII, RTU
Other Start character and BCC operating method can be selected
Communication memory mode Selectable from EEP, RAM and r_E
Communication master mode Can be used as master device when using multiple units
Start slave address setting Broadcast, 1 – 255
End slave address setting Start address – start address +30
Write-in data address settng 0000H – FFFFH
Communication distance Max. 500 m (differs according to conditions)
Isolation Isolation for all
Analog output (option) Exclusive selection with communication for SRS11A
Number of output points 1 point
Types of output Selectable from measured value, target set value (execution SV), control output 1 and control output 2
Output signal/rating Current 4 – 20 mA DC (max. load resistance 300Ω)
Voltage 0 – 10 V DC (max. load current 2 mA)
Voltage 0 – 10 mV DC (output resistance 10Ω)
Output scaling Within measuring range or output range (Inversed scaling possible)
Output accuracy ±0.3%FS (for display value)
Output resolution Approx. 0.008% (1/13000)
Output updating cycle 0.25 seconds
Output limiter Lower limit 0.0 – 99.9%, higher limit 0.1 – 100.0% (Lower limit value<Higher limit value)
Isolation No isolation with control output P, I and V
General specifications
Data storage Non-volatile memory (EEPROM)
Ambient conditions for operations
Temperature -10 – 50 ºC
Humidity Max. 90 %RH (no dew condensation)
Elevation Max. 2000 m above sea level
Category II
Pollution class 2
Storage temperature -20 – 65 ºC
Supply voltage 100 – 240V AC±10%, 50/60Hz or 24 V AC/DC±10%
Input/noise removal ratio Normal mode 50dB minimum (50/60 Hz)
Insulation resistance Between input/output terminals and power terminal Min. 500V DC, 20 MΩ
Dielectric strength Between input/output terminals and power terminal, 2300 V AC, 1 minute
Power consumption
SRS11A Max. 11VA for 100 – 240 V AC
6VA for 24 V AC
4W for 24 V DC
SRS12A, 13A, 14A Max. 14VA for 100 – 240 V AC
8VA for 24 V AC
6W for 24 V DC
Applicable standards EMC EN61326-1
Safety IEC61010-1 and EN61010-1
RoHS EN50581
Material of case PC resin molding (UL94V-0)
External dimensions SRS11A: H48 × W48 × D66 mm (in panel 62mm)
SRS12A: H72 × W72 × D69 mm (in panel 65mm)
SRS13A: H96 × W96 × D69 mm (in panel 65mm)
SRS14A: H96 × W48 × D66 mm (in panel 62mm)
Panel thickness 1.0 – 3.5 mm
Panel cutout SRS11A: H45 × W45 mm
SRS12A: H68 × W68 mm
SRS13A: H92 × W92 mm
SRS14A: H92 × W45 mm
Weight SRS11A: Approx. 120 g
SRS12A: Approx. 190 g
SRS13A: Approx. 220 g
SRS14A: Approx. 160 g

Ordering Information


SERIES SRS11A- DIN 48×48 Digital Controller
INPUT 8 Multi-input Thermocouple: B, R, S, K, E, J, T, N, PLII, WRe5-26,
{U, L (DIN43710)}, AuFe-Cr
R.T.D.: Pt100/JPt100 Scaling Possible
(inverse scaling impossible)
Range: -1999 – 9999
Span: 10 – 10000
Voltage (mV): -10 – 10, 0 – 10, 0 – 20,
 0 – 50, 0 – 100, 10 – 50 mV DC
6 Voltage (V) -1 – 1, 0 – 1, 0 – 2, 0 – 5, 1 – 5, 0 – 10 V DC
Input resistance: Min. 500 Kω
CONTROL OUTPUT 1 Y Contact: 1a, Contact capacity: 240 V AC 2A/resistive load
Proportional cycle: 1 – 120 sec.
I Current: 4 – 20 mA DC
Load resistance: 600 Ω max
P SSR drive voltage: 12 V±1.5 V DC/30mA max.
Proportional cycle: 1 – 120 sec.
V Voltage: 0 – 10 V DC
Load current: 2 mA max.
Y- Contact: 1a, Contact capacity: 240 V AC 2A/resistive load
Proportional cycle: 1 – 120 sec.
I- Current: 4 – 20 mA DC
Load resistance: 600 Ω max.
P- SSR drive voltage: 12 V±1.5 V DC/30mA max.
Proportional cycle: 0.5 – 120 sec.
V- Voltage: 0 – 10 V DC
Load current: 2 mA max.
Additional event output E- Additional event output 1 point (EV3)
Additional external control
input signal (DI)
D- Additional external control input 1 point (DI4)
POWER SUPPLY 90- 100 – 240 V AC±10%, 50/60Hz
08- 24 V AC/DC±10%, 50/60Hz
P Max. 4 patterns Total number of steps: 32
1 Event output 2 points (EV1, EV2)
0 None
3 0 – 10 mVDC Output resistance: 10 Ω
4 4 – 20 mADC Resistive load: 300 Ω max.
6 0 – 10 VDC Load current: 2 mA max.
5 RS-485 (Shimaden standard protocol, MODBUS protocol)
CT INPUT (OPTION)/Note: CT sold separately
0 None
1 CT input 2 points
2 Control input 3 points (DI1, DI2, DI3)
REMARKS 0 Without
9 With
Name Code Remarks
CT QCC01 CT for 30A (CTL-6-S)
CT QCC02 CT for 50A (CTL-12-S36-8)
Shunt resistor QCS002 250Ω ±0.1% External receiving impedance for current input
Terminal Cover QCR001 For SRS11A



SERIES SRS12A- DIN 72×72 Digital Controller
SRS13A- DIN 96×96 Digital Controller
SRS14A- DIN 96×48 Digital Controller
INPUT 8 Multi-input Thermocouple: B, R, S, K, E, J, T, N, PLII, WRe5-26,
{U, L (DIN43710)}, AuFe-Cr
R.T.D.: Pt100/JPt100 Scaling Possible
(inverse scaling
Range: -1999 – 9999
Span: 10 – 10000
Voltage (mV): -10 – 10, 0 – 10, 0 – 20, 0 – 50,
0 – 100, 10 – 50 mV DC
6 Voltage (V) -1 – 1, 0 – 1, 0 – 2, 0 – 5, 1 – 5, 0 – 10 V DC
Input resistance: Min. 500 KΩ
CONTROL OUTPUT 1 Y Contact: 1a, Contact capacity: 240 V AC 2A/resistive load
Proportional cycle: 1 – 120 sec.
I Current: 4 – 20mA DC
Load resistance: 600Ω max.
P SSR drive voltage: 12V±1.5V DC/30mA max.
Proportional cycle: 1 – 120 sec.
V Voltage: 0 – 10 V DC
Load current: 2 mA max.
N- None
Y- Contact: 1a, Contact capacity: 240 V AC 2A/resistive load
Proportional cycle: 1 – 120 sec.
I- Current: 4 – 20 mA DC
Load resistance: 600 Ω max.
P- SSR drive voltage: 12 V±1.5 V DC/30 mA max.
Proportional cycle: 1 – 120 sec.
V- Voltage: 0 – 10 V DC
Load current: 2 mA max.
Additional event output E- Additional event output 1 point (EV3)
Additional external
control input signal (DI)
D- Additional external control input 1 point (DI4)
POWER SUPPLY 90- 100 – 240 V AC±10%, 50/60 Hz
08- 24V AC/DC±10%, 50/60 Hz
P Max. 4 patterns Total number of steps: 32
1 Event output 2 points (EV1, EV2)
3 0 – 10 mVDC Output resistance: 10 Ω
4 4 – 20 mADC Resistive load: 300 Ω max.
6 0 – 10 VDC Load current: 2mA max.
CT INPUT (OPTION)/Note: CT sold separately 0 None
1 CT input 2 points Note: Available only when control output 1 or 2 is Y or P.
2 Control input 3 points (DI1, DI2, DI3)
5 RS-485 (Shimaden standard protocol, MODBUS protocol)
REMARKS 0 Without
9 With
Name Code Remarks
CT QCC01 CT for 30A (CTL-6-S)
CT QCC02 CT for 50A (CTL-12-S36-8)
Shunt resistor QCS002 250Ω ±0.1% External receiving impedance for current input
Terminal cover QCR002 For SRS12A (3 pcs./set)
QCR007 For SRS13A, SRS14A (2 pcs./set)



Shimaden SRS10A Series ( SRS11A, SRS13A, SRS14A) Digital Controller_DpstarGroup


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