Dpstar Manufacturing is a highly recognized Manufacturer and supplier of electric heaters for a variety of industries throughout Malaysia and the ASEAN region.

We manufacture standard tubular heating elements for any application. Tubular heating elements are a versatile and economical heat source for a wide variety of industrial and commercial applications. Standard diameters are 6.7mm,8.2mm,11.2mm,14mm,16mm. Special diameter of 19mm and 22mm are also available.Standard sheath materials are Incoloy®, stainless steel, or copper coated steel. Special sheath materials may be available based on diameter and size of the element required. The typical electrical termination is a ceramic insulator with a threaded stud terminal. Flexible leadwire extensions or other mounting options are available for specific applications

We also manufacture Formed Tubular Heater.
Custom heating elements can be provided to any length, formed into any configuration and sheathed in a variety of different materials to suit your application. Standard terminations include threaded stud, threaded bulk-head, screw lug, quick disconnect spade, ceramic-to-metal hermetic, molded rubber lead, conventional lead wire terminal assembly, and more. Dpstar Manufacturing frequently fabricates custom Tubular heaters in conjunction with an OEM’s design staff, both for prototype and production.

Call us to discuss how we can meet your individual needs.
Tel: 603-807 6772
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.dpstar.com.vn

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