Thermal Human Body Fever Scanners have evolved past just seeing in the dark, the uses of this technology vary but can be applied to the protection, warning, asset management and health. More and more industrial companies, public institutions, authorities and health organization’s use thermal imaging technology to protect their assets, personnel and provide proactive warning systems.

By using heat signatures and applying ranges based on the environment and the application thermal solutions mitigate overheating, risk of fires, identify elevated temperatures and enable first line defense in complete darkness as well as during the day. With thermal Scanner overlay, you can distinguish actual events, risk areas and react faster while still having a secure overview of the area in question. Dpstar Group is a top supplier of Thermal Human Body Fever Scanners & Thermometers in Malaysia. We offer a wide range of Thermometers, Thermal Imager and Body Scanners for fever screening.

With sophisticated equipment from us, threats can be detected early on. Even in darkness or unfavorable weather conditions, e.g. dust, fog or smoke. Suspicious persons hiding behind bushes or in the shade are detected by a thermal imaging system due to their thermal characteristics. Thermal Human Body Fever Scanners are the key to protecting assets and avoiding dangerous situations.

.Thermal imaging is a non-contact technology that makes the thermal radiation (mid-infrared) of an object or body, invisible to the human eye, visible. In thermal imaging, temperature distributions on surfaces and objects are recorded and displayed. The image resolution is considerably lower in terms of the number of pixels than in cameras for the visible spectral range. In contrast to cameras with optical image sensors, a thermal camera can detect extremely small temperature differences and visually display them with colors. Dpstar Group thermal cameras can monitor temperature differences as low as 0.1 °C, which is within the peak range currently available for general use. Dpstar’s range of thermal cameras not only provide meaningful thermal images, but can also automatically trigger temperature notifications and events within a temperature range of -40°C to 500°C. These state-of-the-art systems then also serve to automatically alarm temperature limits or ranges, which is crucial for the timely detection of sources of fire, heat or malfunction. These measured values can be used to trigger an event (camera alarm, network message, activation of a switching output and etc. when a predetermined value is exceeded or not reached, depending on the logic programmed.

Dpstar thermal camera can secure a very large outdoor area without additional lighting, even in total darkness. Detection can also be carried out from distances of up to several hundred meters, including over large areas as well as areas that are difficult to access. By compiling the thermal image and the real image, high-contrast details are brought out. The visual content is superimposed on the thermal images, so to speak. This procedure allows the display to show sharp images with clear details that are otherwise not visible on thermal images. The accuracy of the temperature measurement depends on whether the emissivity of the measured object, which is determined by its material and surface, has been taken into account accordingly and entered correctly in the camera software. The temperature profile generated by thermal cameras does not show any details for personal identification and thus guarantees privacy.

The benefits of covering points of entry with thermal fever screening are:

  • Containment
  • Deterrent to individuals considering travelling with un-diagnosed symptoms of fever
  • Flexibility in escalation of screening protocols due to level of risk
  • Reassurance for other travellers that could be exposed.

Thermal Screening Solutions

Fast, preliminary detection for temporary deployment

  • Location: cameras set up on a tripod or other temporary installation are placed at existing entrances at train stations, bus stations, subways, airports, etc
  • Advantages: can be deployed and removed quickly based on the entrances in use and in the case of an emergency

Solutions deployed at existing security gates

  • Location: equipment installed at existing entrances and gates
  • Advantages: can be integrated with alarm systems and data can be stored locally on centrally

Thermal imaging solution integrated with identification

  • Location: fixed entrances in companies, schools, factories, communities, etc
  • Advantages:
    • Body temperature detection integrated with facial recognition for specific identification
    • Real-time sound warning enabling personnel to respond quickly
    • Information uploaded onto a centralized platform in real-time for effective management

Do you have questions for Thermal Fever Screening Solutions? We’re happy to help you.

Email: [email protected]
HP: +6012-302 7341

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